Call for Proposals – Workshops

The call for conference fellows has now closed.

Deadline for submission of ALL proposals: November 1, 2018

Notification of acceptance:  Mid-December 2018

Questions about workshop submissions may be sent to the Workshop Coordinators, Eimmy Solis and Stephanie Labou, at

Please use this online submission form to submit your workshop proposal. Choose “Workshop” under Submission Type and make sure to fill out all of the information in the section called Workshops – Additional Information.

Workshops will be held on the mornings of Tuesday and Wednesday, May 28 & 29, 2018.


The Program Committee seeks workshops that highlight this year’s theme, Data Down Under: Exploring “Data Firsts.” We are looking for workshops addressing recent changes in the field as well as workshops targeting early-career professionals.

Workshop topics might include:

  • Infrastructures, tools, and resources for data production, analysis, and publication
  • Metadata standards for enhancing the utility of data
  • Privacy, confidentiality, and regulation issues around sensitive data, and/or techniques to de-identify data
  • Use and curation of data in the digital humanities
  • Roles, responsibilities, and relationships in supporting data at colleges and universities
  • Facilitating data exchange and sharing
  • Data and statistical literacy, including teaching strategies and approaches
  • Enabling citation of research data and persistent identifiers
  • Skills and competencies for data librarians, curators, and archivists
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and spatial analysis: tools, data, and metadata standards
  • Web and digital mapping
  • Tools and techniques for data visualization
  • Qualitative/quantitative data collection, analysis, and preservation
  • Data science, data analytics, text mining, and/or dealing with big data
  • Data/software carpentry and tools/strategies for reproducible research
  • Leadership, management, and/or other workplace skills for data professionals
  • Tools, apps, and APIs

Successful workshop proposals will blend lecture and active learning techniques. The conference planning committee will provide the necessary classroom space and, depending on need and availability, computing supplies for workshops. Some workshop spaces will rely on participants to supply their own laptop (or tablet if appropriate). Proposals should outline needed computer hardware and software, if any, or specify if participants should bring their own.

Typically workshops are half-day with 2-hour and 3-hour options. Workshops will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, May 28 & 29, 2018.

Submit a Workshop Proposal

Please use this online submission form to submit your workshop proposal. Choose “Workshop” under Submission Type and make sure to fill out all of the information in the section called Workshops – Additional Information.

All submissions should include the proposed title and an abstract. The abstract should be no longer than 200 words and written for a general audience. NOTE: Abstracts longer than 200 words will be returned to be shortened before being considered. Also, if the reviewers can’t understand what a proposal is about, it will be rejected.

Please note that all workshop leaders are required to register and pay the registration fee for the conference; registration for individual days will be available.

MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS: The conference organizers anticipate that some individuals may wish to submit multiple proposals. Due to logistical and organizational challenges, the conference organizers reserve the right to limit the number of accepted presentations from an individual and will work with the affected individual(s) to resolve issues accordingly.

Questions about workshop submissions may be sent to the Workshop Coordinators, Eimmy Solis and Stephanie Labou, at

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